Prime Minister Han “requesting the recovery of Korea-Japan relations and reconsideration of the Grain Management Act is for the public and national interests”

한덕수 국무총리가 6일 정부서울청사에서 열린 국정현안관계장관회의에서 발언하고 있다.(사진=국무조정실)   [출처] 대한민국 정책브리핑( Policy

Prime Minister Han Deok-soo said on the 6th, “I would like to emphasize once again that the restoration of Korea-Japan relations and the request for reconsideration of the Grain Management Act were only undertaken for the sake of the people and national interest.”

Prime Minister Han made this remark while presiding over a meeting of ministers related to pending state affairs held at the Seoul Government Complex in Sejong-ro, Seoul on the same day, referring to the government-related questions from the National Assembly that had been held for three days until the previous day.

In particular, he urged related ministries to pay special attention to communication with the public so that the purpose and nature of the issue are not misrepresented and misunderstood by the public.

한덕수 국무총리가 6일 정부서울청사에서 열린 국정현안관계장관회의에서 발언하고 있다.(사진=국무조정실)   [출처] 대한민국 정책브리핑(
Prime Minister Han Deok-soo speaks at a meeting of ministers related to pending state affairs held at the Seoul Government Complex on the 6th. (Photo = Office for Government Policy Coordination)

Regarding the intensive inspection of safety vulnerable facilities, which will be held for about two months from the 17th, Prime Minister Han said, “As seen in the collapse of the Jeongja Bridge in Bundang the previous day, there are many safety-threatening elements around our lives.” It is not excessive,” he stressed.

At the same time, he said, “A formal diagnosis soaked in inertia can cause a bigger accident,” and ordered, “Each agency head directly finds an inspection site so that a substantial and precise safety inspection can be carried out.”

He then instructed, “All organizations participating in this safety inspection should take it seriously with a sense of duty that the safety inspection is to protect the lives and property of the people.”

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Han said, “Recently, the global biohealth market is rapidly expanding,” adding, “It is a promising field that should not be missed by Korea, which has the world’s second-largest biopharmaceutical production capacity.”

He also said, “In order to lead the global biohealth market, it is urgent to nurture related manpower above all else.”

Prime Minister Han said, “It is difficult to nurture manpower in this field with only one ministry. We need to ensure that excellent convergence talents can be produced through cooperation with related ministries such as the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology centered on the Ministry of Health and Welfare,” he said.


Policy Briefing Kim Cha-kyung

[출처] 대한민국 정책브리핑(

Source: Policy news, link


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