Three Years of Marine Protection: Achieving Engagement for a Circular Economy

Three Years of Marine Protection: Achieving Engagement for a Circular Economy Enterprise

After the success of the past two years, Hyundai Motor and marine conservation organization Healthy Seas have kicked off the third year of their partnership with a clean-up in Tossa de Mar, a highly polluted marine area in Costa Brava, Spain.

With the renewal of the partnership, the activities of Hyundai and Healthy Seas will be extended to a global scale. Committed to shaping a more sustainable future, the partners will work together to combat marine pollution across continents, nurture sustainable marine ecosystems, and promote a circular economy. The partnership is currently planning four clean-ups and several educational activations.

It was truly heart-warming to see all that Hyundai Motor Europe and Healthy Seas achieved together for future generations in 2022. The plans for our partnership in 2023 are even more ambitious. Reaching outside of Europe, our activations this year will have a global effect, cleaning up waters on other continents and further driving a circular economy. It really is a testament to just how much is possible when many parties come together to renew a sustainable relationship with the world’s oceans.

Michael Cole

President and CEO of Hyundai Motor Europe

Tackling marine pollution in Costa Brava

From 25 to 26 April, Hyundai and Healthy Seas kicked off their 2023 activities with a two-day clean-up in Tossa de Mar, Spain. This activity had particular significance for the partnership since both organizations – with the strong support of Ghost Diving Spain – have been working together in the area since the beginning of the collaboration in 2021.

Three Years of Marine Protection: Achieving Engagement for a Circular Economy

Eight volunteer divers from the teams at Ghost Diving Spain and Ghost Diving Netherlands participated in this clean-up. The goal of their involvement was to remove a large gill net covering a reef within the boundaries of a marine protected area.

Despite being lightweight, gill nets are the most lethal form of marine litter. Many marine organisms, particularly crustaceans, were rescued from the net during the operation. Trammel nets, a broken crab pot, and many meters of long lines were also removed.

Back on land, the volunteer team cut off the lead and ropes and grouped the debris by type. Once sorted, Healthy Seas will ensure that the recovered nets become a new resource. The nylon parts will be regenerated by Aquafil, together with other nylon waste, into ECONYL® yarn, the basis for many new products, such as the floor mats in Hyundai’s IONIQ 5 and IONIQ 6 zero-tailpipe emissions, battery electric vehicles.

Learn more about Hyundai’s latest efforts to preserve marine ecosystems in Tossa de Mar, Spain:

Hyundai x Healthy Seas | Tossa De Mar 2023

Hyundai Motor Company’s Mission to Create Shared Value

Under Hyundai Motor Company’s ‘Progress for Humanity’ brand vision, the company aims to Create Shared Value (CSV) by scaling social impacts and building a sustainable business ecosystem, among others. This mission inspired HMC’s latest CSV initiative, ‘Hyundai Continue’.

‘Hyundai Continue’ is making transformative efforts for a sustainable future through its three core areas: Continue Earth, Continue Mobility, and Continue Hope. Continue Earth represents HMC’s desire to take care of the planet and combat climate change. The technology and advancements from Continue Mobility will democratize mobility and make it safer. Continue Hope aims to educate future generations and support the growth of talented young people.

Source: Hyundai Newsroom, Link


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