SCAM WARNING – Excoinz: Safeguarding Thai Worker Remittances

Excoinz Press Release

Amidst Rising Overseas Worker Demand and Stricter Immigration Policies, Cryptocurrency Platforms like Excoinz Offer Secure and Efficient Financial Solutions for Thai Workers in Korea.

The overseas worker market, which has slowed down due to COVID-19, is rapidly recovering. Among many Asian countries, the overseas expansion of Filipino and Thai workers is rapidly progressing, and among them, Korea is the desired workplace for all Asians. The reason is high wages, and when comparing monthly salaries in Thailand or the Philippines, there is a nearly ten-fold difference.

However, in Korea, there are more cases of illegal immigration after visa-free entry than Thai people who enter the country with a formal visa, and the number of illegal immigrants once increased to 400,000 and then decreased to 100,000 during the COVID-19 period, but now it is on the rise again. As the number of Thais increases, the Korean government is also increasingly tightening its crackdown on illegal immigrants.

Most Thais staying in Korea often work at farms, manufacturing factories, and massage shops. Especially massage shops, which frequently crack down on illegal immigrants. Recently, when the Thais are arrested as an illegal immigrant, they will be forced to leave the country as early as 48 hours after being moved to a foreign detention center for forced departure. Foreigner detention centers are like prisons, making it difficult to contact the outside world. Therefore, when someone is arrested urgently, that person may not be able to organize luggage, and may leave the country without finding the money saved in the bank.

Recently, a big change in savings and remittance has begun in Korea among Thais in Korea. In other words, the money earned in Korea is frequently purchased and transferred to the Thai family in real time, or stored in your personal cryptocurrency wallet. In this case, cryptocurrency can be withdrawn in cash from Thailand at any time even if it is deported.

However, it is best to use the global cryptocurrency platform because ordinary Korean cryptocurrency exchanges are only available to Koreans. In particular, the number of users of the platform Excoinz is rapidly increasing for Thais living abroad. Excoinz is a trusted cryptocurrency P2P trading platform company with its headquarters in the United States and an Asian branch in the Philippines.

Excoinz is a platform that relays cryptocurrency transactions between individuals and when Thai people make a purchase in the platform, there is a Thai vendor who sells Tether(USDT) coin will kindly informs how to purchase it and how to send overseas in Thai. It is cheaper and safer than banks, and if users complete ID verification (KYC) with passport or Thai ID card, users can store or remit coins from your cryptocurrency wallet anywhere. Therefore, it can be very useful for Thais currently living in Korea. It is also important to make money in other countries but how to keep and send it to family is more inportant.

In a changing financial environment with the advent of cryptocurrencies, the use of new financial services such as Excoinz is now becoming a necessity, not an option.

**About Excoinz:**

Excoinz is a leading P2P cryptocurrency trading platform headquartered in the United States with a strategic branch in the Philippines, committed to offering its users seamless, secure, and efficient cryptocurrency management solutions. For more information, visit the Excoinz website :

Company Details

Organization: Excoinz Inc.
Contact Person: Wade Berry
Email: [email protected]
Contact Number: 13026659899
Address: 14 Wilmington, DE, Wilmington, Delaware, United States


  1. 정용희 says:

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    • KBiz News says:

      안녕하세요, 소중한 제보 감사합니다. 우선 상황을 알려주셔서 감사드립니다. 저희는 해당 보도자료를 제공한 주체를 추적하여 그들의 신원을 확인하도록 하겠습니다.

      • 정용희 says:

        안녕하세요 응답감사합니다.
        네이버에 excoinz 를 검색을 하면 블로거들이 올린 자료를 찾아볼수가 있습니다. 확인결과 excoinz측에서 일정금액의 돈을 블로거에게 주고 기사를 쓴거같습니다. 위의 회사는 계획적으로 사기를 치려고 2024년 9월에도 사회적기업이라는 이미지를 주고자 보도자료를 올렸고 몇명의 피해자들과 통화한 결과 사이트에 로그인이 안되는 시기는 모두 다르나 결과적으로 큰금액의 코인 입금후 로그인이 안됐다고 하는데 어떤 분은 9월. 저는 12월에 갑자기 금액을 크게 입금이 로그인이 안돼었고 12월말경 서비스업그레이드 때문에 2월중순부터 서비스가 다시 시작된다고 문구만 남겨놓고 고객센터 이메일.인스타 . 유튜브 . 자체 블로거 등의 모든 자료를 삭제히 지금은 사이트 접속이 되지 않습니다. 자세한 내용을 원하시면 [email protected]으로 연락주시면 감사하겠습니다. 너무나 많은 피해자분들이 있으나 해외기반 사이트라서 어떻게 신고를 해야할지 모르는 상황입니다

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