Korea-Vietnam launches annual Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue… Vice-ministerial level strategic dialogue held continuously

Korea-Vietnam launches annual Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue…  Vice-ministerial level strategic dialogue held continuously Global News

Foreign Ministers of the two countries signed an action plan to implement the ‘Korea-Vietnam Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jin Park and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam Bui Thanh Sun met with President Seok-Yeol Yun of Vietnam and President Vo Van Thuong of Vietnam at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi on the 23rd (local time). signed on

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 23rd, this action plan includes ▲diplomacy and security cooperation ▲economy, trade and investment, development and agriculture cooperation ▲science and technology, information and communication, climate change, natural resources and infrastructure cooperation ▲labor, health and education cooperation ▲culture It is organized around measures to strengthen comprehensive cooperation between the two countries discussed at the Korea-Vietnam Summit, such as tourism and people-to-people exchanges and ▲regional and international cooperation.

The action plan summarizes the results of President Yoon’s state visit to Vietnam, which was made to further deepen and develop bilateral relations, which were upgraded to a “comprehensive strategic partnership” on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and Vietnam last year, and suggest future directions for cooperation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jin Park and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam Bui Thanh Sun met with President Seok-Yeol Yoon and President Bo Van Thuong of Vietnam at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi on the 23rd (local time). A plan of action between the governments of the Republic is being signed.  (Photo = copyright holder (c) Yonhap News, unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited)
Minister of Foreign Affairs Jin Park and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam Bui Thanh Sun met with President Seok-Yeol Yoon and President Bo Van Thuong of Vietnam at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi on the 23rd (local time). A plan of action between the governments of the Republic is being signed. (Photo = copyright holder (c) Yonhap News, unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited)

First of all, in the field of foreign affairs and security cooperation, it was decided to launch the annual Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue and continue to hold the Vice-Ministerial-level Diplomatic Security Strategic Dialogue.

Defense Ministerial Meetings and Defense Strategic Dialogues will be effectively used, and cooperation between the armed forces and defense and security training will be strengthened, while cooperation will also be sought between defense agencies and companies, and exchanges will be strengthened.

It supports the strengthening of Vietnam’s maritime security capabilities through the transfer of retired ships, and strengthens cooperation on Vietnam’s maritime security through the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Korean Coast Guard and the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam.

The scope of cooperation in the economy, trade/investment, development and agriculture will also be expanded.

In order to achieve the goal of 150 billion dollars in trade by 2030, they agreed to strengthen economic cooperation and cooperate to develop and commercialize cooperation models to create new types of industrial complexes.

The two countries also agreed to further strengthen cooperation in official development assistance (ODA).

From 2024 to 2027, $200 million in grant aid will be provided, and the ‘Korea-Vietnam Future Partnership for R&D and Innovation’ grant aid project worth $30 million over the next 10 years will be promoted.

From 2024 to 2030, the External Economic Cooperation Fund (EDCF) will be expanded to $2 billion, and the Economic Cooperation Promotion Fund (EDPF) will be supported by $2 billion.

It also promotes cooperation on science and technology, information and communication, climate change, natural resources and infrastructure.

They agreed to hold a joint committee for the Korea-Vietnam Climate Change Cooperation Framework Agreement within this year and cooperate in Vietnam’s bid to host the 2025 P4G Summit.

In particular, it will strengthen exploration, development, and investment cooperation to establish a supply chain for core minerals and clean energy conversion cooperation such as new renewable energy and LNG power plant construction according to Vietnam’s 8th power development plan.

Strengthen labor cooperation by providing convenience for Korean workers in Vietnam to obtain labor permits and residence registration, and expand educational cooperation by supporting the compilation of Korean language textbooks in Vietnam, encouraging support for the establishment of Korean language departments in local universities in Vietnam, and strengthening support for mutual exchange students. do.

In addition, efforts will be made to enhance the convenience of the people of the two countries, such as the conclusion of an international driver’s license mutual recognition agreement, efforts to conclude a working holiday agreement, and creation of conditions for increasing flights, while strengthening human exchanges and cooperation in the cultural industry and sports fields.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “Based on the signing of this action plan, we plan to strengthen cooperation and communication between the governments of the two countries in order to faithfully implement the results of the President’s state visit to Vietnam.” We plan to use it.”

Source: Policy news, link
Photo Credit: Official Photographer : Shin Yugyeong, Office of the President via Flickr
The State Dinner, June 23, 2023, International Convention Centre, Hanoi, Vietnam


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