Announcement of the results of the ‘2024 Elementary and Secondary Career Education Status Survey’… Survey of 1,200 elementary, middle, and high schools
According to a survey of students’ desired occupations in 2024, the 1st to 3rd most desired occupations were teachers, athletes, doctors, and creators, and the rankings were similar to last year.
Among these, elementary school students ranked athletes as the top choice this year, continuing from last year, and middle and high school students ranked teachers as well, same as last year.
However, among elementary school students, teachers were ranked third in 2023, but this year, they changed to ‘creators’, and high school students wanted to become soldiers, going from life scientists and researchers, which ranked third last year, to third place in 2024.
The Ministry of Education and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training announced the results of the ‘2024 Elementary and Secondary Career Education Status Survey’ on the 4th.

The Ministry of Education and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training have been investigating the overall status of career education by school level every year since 2007 to use it as basic data for establishing national and provincial offices of education career education policies.
This year, from May 23 to June 21, a total of 38,481 students, parents, and teachers from 1,200 elementary, middle, and high schools were surveyed about the school career education environment, programs, and the perceptions and demands of students, parents, and teachers. We investigated 260 items, including:
As a result, it was found that the difference in response rates for the top 10 desired occupations was not significant, excluding the 1st and 2nd positions.
In response to this, the Ministry of Education and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training interpreted that students’ desired occupations are also being dispersed due to changes in the world of work and diversified values.
High school students’ career plans after graduation decreased from 77.3% to 66.5% for college admission, and the employment rate increased from 7.0% to 13.3% compared to the previous year.
The rate of high school students wishing to start a business after graduation has been steadily increasing, but this year it decreased slightly from 5.2% to 3.3% compared to 2023.
However, students who participated in entrepreneurship development and start-up experience education were found to have higher career development capabilities to decide on their career path in a reasonable way and prepare and manage it effectively.
Regarding the current status of career education in schools, it appears that most schools are operating career education in a stable manner by operating a department in charge of career education, establishing annual plans, and preparing budgets.
Meanwhile, middle and high school students’ satisfaction with school career activities increased overall, while elementary school students’ satisfaction decreased slightly from 4.10 points to 4.08 points.
In terms of satisfaction by school career activities, elementary and middle school students showed high satisfaction with career experience (4.21 points in elementary school, 3.91 points in middle school), and high school students showed high satisfaction with career clubs (3.83 points in high school).
In particular, the percentage of students wishing to participate in career experience (elementary 86.1%, middle school 87.0%, high school 87.1%) was high in all elementary, middle, and high schools.
The career education that parents consider necessary showed different aspects by school level.
First, parents of elementary school students responded that the need for career experience activities (4.44 points) was the highest, while parents of middle school students prioritized providing students with career psychological tests (4.36 points).
Parents of high school students responded that they most needed counseling on students’ careers and higher education (4.36 points), indicating that career education support needs to be differentiated by school level.
Commenting on this result, So Eun-ju, Director of Responsible Education Policy at the Ministry of Education, said, “The world of future jobs is changing rapidly due to the diversification of values due to rapid social change.”
He continued, “The Ministry of Education will refer to the results of this survey to diversify career experiences in which students have high hopes of participating, and provide career-linked education and CareerNet so that students can develop career development capabilities to pioneer their own careers and prepare for the future.” “We will not only improve the use of career psychological tests but also faithfully pursue career education training for teachers,” he said.
Source: Policy news / Ministry of Education, link