Ministry of Education, 3 metropolitan areas, 5 non-metropolitan areas… Financial support of about KRW 54 billion for 4 years
3 schools (allied) in the metropolitan area and 5 schools (allied) in the non-metropolitan area were selected as semiconductor specialized universities to nurture convergence talents and secure a super-gap in semiconductors.
The Ministry of Education and the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology announced on the 13th that they had announced the results of the ‘Semiconductor Specialized University Support Project’.
The semiconductor specialized university support project is a new project established this year in accordance with the plan to nurture semiconductor-related talents to build a foundation for supplying bachelor-level manpower and fostering master’s and doctoral-level talents in the industry by intensively fostering universities with the capacity and will to nurture semiconductor talent.
This year, 3 schools in the metropolitan area and 5 schools in the non-metropolitan area were selected through a written review, field survey, and comprehensive evaluation by experts in academia, industry, and research, divided into ‘independent type’ in which individual universities participate and ‘shared growth type’ in which university associations participate. this has been done
Seoul National University (circuit/system, device/process) and Sungkyunkwan University (next-generation semiconductor) were selected as the stand-alone type in the metropolitan area, and Myongji University and Hoseo University (materials/parts/equipment, packaging) were selected as the shared growth type in the metropolitan area.
Kyungpook National University (circuit/system, device/process, materials/parts/equipment), Korea University (Sejong, advanced semiconductor process equipment), and Pusan National University (vehicle semiconductor) for the non-metropolitan area stand-alone type, and Chonbuk National University-Chonnam National University (next-generation mobility Semiconductor), Chungbuk National University-Chungnam National University-Korea University of Technology and Education (System Semiconductor, Foundry Semiconductor) were selected.
Source: Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education also plans to operate a semiconductor talent training support collaboration center so that universities that perform semiconductor talent training support projects, such as semiconductor specialized universities, share and communicate information on manpower demand and industry trends with industry and research.
In addition, considering the specialized fields of the existing selected universities, we will promote the selection of specialized universities for each semiconductor value chain in the future.
Vice Minister of Education Jang Sang-yoon said, “I hope that universities will do their best to promote the project by communicating closely with the industry so that the various regulatory innovation efforts that the government has been promoting so far can be manifested as changes in the field through this semiconductor specialized university support project.”
Source: Ministry of Education, Policy News, link
Image Credit: Seoul National University Semiconductor Research Center
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